Mostly science writing and a few rants


sunlight, vitamin D, health Allison Clark sunlight, vitamin D, health Allison Clark

Why Vitamin D is the Unsung Hero for Your Health

Vitamin D is like a superhero for your health, yet vitamin D deficiency is like a global pandemic.

Vitamin D regulates so many aspects of our health, and a deficiency in this nutrient has been linked to numerous autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, I believe the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is a symptom of a bigger problem in modern society— people spend way too much time indoors and aren’t exposed to enough sunlight and aren’t getting out in nature enough.

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sunlight, quantum biology Allison Clark sunlight, quantum biology Allison Clark

Why Sunlight is Key to Overall Health

Our modern society seems to fear sunlight. Everyone wears sunglasses even when it’s cloudy and people slather on sunblock due to an irrational fear of sun cancer. More on that later. We’re always inside and are rarely in sync with the rising and setting of the sun. This has detrimental effects on our health. At a more esoteric level, we are just beings of light. At a physical level, we are indeed light and need light in order to live.

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women's health, medical intuition, health Allison Clark women's health, medical intuition, health Allison Clark

Why We Need Holistic Healthcare and Medical Intuition

One thing that’s become apparent to me throughout the years dealing with two pregnancies, one miscarriage, an autoimmune disease and various digestive issues is the current medical model doesn’t support women and ignores their unique intuitive and mystical nature.

The current allopathic medical model that pervades through most of the world has become toxic over the years. It does not aim to prevent illnesses or sustain optimal health or treat chronic diseases, but rather treats acute conditions. Doctors have little time with their patients, often just a few minutes, and rarely take into account a person’s whole health history, story or energetic imbalances.

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menstrual cycle, women's health, hormones Allison Clark menstrual cycle, women's health, hormones Allison Clark

7 Signs of a Healthy Period

Just like no body is exactly the same, no two women have the same period. While many women consider their period a monthly pain in the ass, several experts consider the period a woman’s fifth vital sign because it acts as your monthly health report card. Our bodies are telling us things all the time, and we just need to listen to it. Unlike men, we women are lucky to have our periods which let us know our health status!

So what’s going on down there and what’s normal?

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The gut, food, mood connection

Ever have to run to the bathroom every time you’re anxious or stressed?

Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous?

The connection between our mood and digestive symptoms is due to what’s called the gut-brain axis.

The key to your mental health could lie in your gut.

What is the gut-brain axis?

Exciting new studies in the field of gut microbiome research have shown that the trillions of microbes that reside in our intestines affect our mood and vice versa in what’s now called the gut-brain axis.

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