The Flower of Life and Zero Point Energy
I’m currently taking a year-long energy healing certification with Cyndi Dale, and it’s all kind of magical and intense at the same time.
In one of the classes, a question arose about how can Source be the divine light, love, and the Sun while also being the dark, empty Void? The Void is a space of unlimited potential, but it can also seem dark and like a scary and lonely place. I thought this question was really thought-provoking.
Taking her sage advice, I set the intention to let my guides send me a clear and direct message over the next three days about how I can better integrate these teachings and make them feel real in my Etheric body instead of just seeing and sensing things about my healing journey, soul wound, etc. without it feeling real or like it's truly possible for me to heal.
Immediately after listening to the class while I driving to pick up my kids from school, I was listening to a nerdy podcast episode about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (I know my kids must love driving with me these days. The host mentioned how the sacred geometrical symbol the Flower of Life can be seen as a symbol for God AND the Void. I'd known this, but for some reason this time it really clicked for me.
Visualizing the Void as the Flower of Life no longer seems like a black hole, but rather a space of infinite creation. From nothing emerges everything, and we are all one. I saw the center of my heart space, which Cyndi calls the God Spot, as the Flower of Life which made it a more concrete way for me to connect to Source and the infinite possibilities within the Void. While before I could intellectually connect with my God Spot, I've been feeling like it was not completely in my body, let alone my Etheric body, so a lot of the soul wound healing hasn't felt real or possible for me even though I can see and sense what's going on with me energetically from all the way back.
Here are some cool images I found of the flower of life, and from within it also emerges the Seed of Life, Vesica Pisces, vector equilibrium (zero point), Tree of Life, Metatron's cube, etc. Maybe this will help give a visual to anyone struggling to grasp the concept of the Void and how to be at peace with it.