Mystical Musings
Intuitive Insights
The divine feminine aspect of wanting more
Do you want more? If not, why? Nature promotes growth and expansion, so why do we deny ourselves from wanting more and growing?
Women are biologically and spiritually designed to create and receive. Just look at the physiology of women and their wombs. Unfortunately, most women deny these innate divine gifts and it can be detrimental to their health.
The Flower of Life and Zero Point Energy
I’m currently taking a year-long energy healing certification with Cyndi Dale, and it’s all kind of magical and intense at the same time.
In one of the classes, a question arose about how can Source be the divine light, love, and the Sun while also being the dark, empty Void? The Void is a space of unlimited potential, but it can also seem dark and like a scary and lonely place. I thought this question was really thought-provoking.