The Maiden Female Archetype

The Maiden is perhaps one of the most well-known female archetypes.

She’s young, flirty, innocent and just stepping into womanhood. The Maiden is full of potential and creativity. Since she’s not burdened with family or work responsibilities, she takes risks and can have fabulous adventures. The world is her oyster.

Typically this archetype is most dominant in girls and young women before they marry and have kids, but adult women can sometimes revert back to Maidenhood— you know those women in their 40s or 50s who act like they’re 20 again.

At her core, the Maiden represents child-like innocence and transformation from girl to woman. She is often depicted by a beautiful young woman. This female archetype is sometimes called the Virgin. Her energy is lighthearted and is open to exploration and experimentation.

However, her innocence can get her in trouble sometimes because she hasn’t let learned that not everyone has good intentions. The Maiden therefore can become a victim to people’s malice, most of whom are other women or the “dark Mother” archetype. We’ve seen this time and time again in fairy tales like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel. In order for a woman to move from Maiden to Mother or Queen she must overcome some major challenge or loss in her life.

Another shadow aspect of this archetype is being the overprotected and sheltered daughter. She has yet to explore the world and her beliefs are often molded by her parents rather than her own opinions and life experience. As a result she is not empowered, lacks grit and sense of identity and cannot fully embrace womanhood or her creativity. She may also abhor her menstrual cycle, feel very disconnected from it, start her menses later than most girls or lose touch with her feminine side.

Sometimes the Maiden is also represented by the reckless and rebellious teen or runaway— think Mylie Cyrus in her Wrecking Ball phase, Lindsay Lohan, and Rhianna. Though this is often portrayed as negative behavior because the young woman is “wild” and “uncontrollable”, it’s often a necessary and healthy stage of development that women need to experience in order to find their path in life and break free from familial and societal restrictions.

In general, when the Maiden archetype is dominant, it’s a time of extreme growth, physical activity and 3rd chakra action, learning, exploration, experimentation, lightheartedness and joy.

When a woman is in the ovulatory phase of her menstrual cycle, she may feel more inspired, energetic, social, flirtatious, adventurous and curious.

Maiden Archetype Characteristics

Keywords: Innocent, transformation, youthful, flirty, playful, social, curious, carefree, free spirit

Moon phase: Quarter moon

Season: Spring

Menstrual cycle: Ovulation

Goddesses: Artemis, Vesta, Diana, Athena, Persephone

When in balance: Creative, energetic, vital, outgoing, curious about the world around them, willing to try new things, embraces womanhood, begins to own her femininity and creativity, has healthy menstrual cycles

When out of balance: feels disempowered, lacks a sense of identity, rejects femininity and doesn’t own her creative power, PMS or irregular menstrual cycles, recluse, lives in the shadow of her mother or older sister, feels helpless in life, overly innocent and therefore a victim to being duped or taken advantage of, co-dependent

Similar archetypes: princess, child, wounded child, orphan, damsel in distress

If you would like to heal the Maiden within you, please check out my Female Wellness Healing program here.

Ready my blog post about the Mother, Enchantress and Crone archetypes.

Read my blog post Working with the phases of your menstrual cycle for improved creativity and productivity here.


Working with your menstrual cycle for improved creativity and productivity


The Mother Female Archetype