Working with your menstrual cycle for improved creativity and productivity
This post is related to my previous post titled Reclaiming your menstrual cycle as your superpower. Working with the distinct energies of the phases of our menstrual cycle can help you increase your creativity and productivity, which is NOT what we were taught in sex ed class.
Egg Wisdom
Unfortunately we live in a patriarchal society where exerting yourself, putting forth maximal effort and doing, doing, doing. This male-dominated society has led to the fact that most of us have learned the myth that during conception the sperm actively seek the egg in the Fallopian tubes and the fastest and strongest reaches the egg first, which is a principle of masculine energy that consists of competing, trying hard, and being the strongest to win.
The reality is, it’s the egg that the sperm chooses. The egg doesn’t run desperately throughout the Fallopian tubes and uterus looking for the perfect sperm. Instead she sits still and waits until the right sperm comes along. Holistic gynecologist and prolific author Dr. Christiane Northrup has termed this concept “egg wisdom”. Her daughter Kate Northrup also wrote a book called Do less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms in which she has a whole chapter dedicated to Egg Wisdom.
I know this sounds radical, but science has confirmed this [1-3]. A recent study by researchers from Stockholm University and Manchester University discovered that unfertilized human eggs release chemoattractants which send signals to the lucky chosen sperm [1]. Moreover, the wise egg doesn’t always agree with the woman’s choice of mate because it doesn’t always attract sperm from every partner. The egg seems to be picky, which makes sense biologically and evolutionary speaking because the sperm’s only mission in life is to fertilize an egg whereas the egg’s main job is to pick the best sperm with the healthiest DNA and most genetically compatible. This goes against Mendel’s first law of genetics that states that fertilization is random [2, 3].
Follicular cells also secrete the hormone progesterone which produces an electric current that facilitates sperm’s movement, which in fact makes sperm stronger and faster. When they reach the egg, it’s the egg that decides which sperm can join with it. If something is wrong with the DNA, the egg can repair the DNA. When traveling through the Fallopian tubes, the egg provides sufficient nutrients for both egg and sperm until the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium.
This is the concept of how feminine energy works: The feminine nourishes, heals, beautifies and improves everything around her and attracts what she wants without trying too hard. Feminine energy is all about being open and receiving.
Because we live in a patriarchal world, we have learned that we have to work hard and work hard to get what we want and use a lot of masculine energy. Instead, the feminine way asks for what she wants and allows it to reach her. Remember, the egg is not lazy. And if the egg doesn’t get a sperm, the endometrium absorbs it and sheds it during the period. The egg doesn’t resist this or get discouraged. She just tries again next month.
According to Dr. Northrup’s daughter Kate Northrup, to embrace egg wisdom you have to:
1. Have a very clear idea of what you want.
2. Approve what is happening around you. What we approve has a tendency to improve. If you don't like it, change it.
3. Be still. You cannot be everywhere doing everything dispersing your energy. Sometimes the best thing you can do is sit still, listen, observe, think, and plan.
Personally I think egg wisdom can apply to any time during the menstrual cycle, but is most potent during the folicular and ovulatory phases.
How to be creative and productive in each phase of the menstrual cycle
Folicular Phase
Superpower: Clarity, Creativity and Action
• Maiden archetype
• This is a time when you have great mental capacity and creativity.
• It’s a good time to start projects, socialize, spend energy, project management, meetings
• Get a clear idea of what you want to create or attract (egg wisdom concept)
• Testosterone and estrogen facilitate productivity and concentration. The high level of estrogen encourages creativity.
• Imbalance: Paralyzed, lack of creative energy, lack of empathy in relationships
Ovulatory Phase
Superpower: Communication and care
• Mother archetype
• Caring for others and projects, communication, meetings, sympathy
• Attract what you want (egg wisdom concept)
• Testosterone and estrogen levels are higher which increases self-esteem and helps you to pursue what you want
• Imbalance: Taking too much care and you end up burned
Luteal Phase
Super Power: Execution and getting shit done
• Enchantress archetype
• Carry out projects and focus on only one thing at a time, power of execution
• Introspection, slow down
• During this phase the brain helps you carry out projects.
• Imbalance: PMS, irritable, bad mood, overwhelmed especially if you have not taken care of yourself in the early stages of the cycle
What about PMS?
When PMS rages its ugly head, it’s a sign that there’s both a hormonal and energetic imbalance. As annoying and horrible as PMS can seem, it’s really the body’s way of communicating. The body never works against us. Some of the energetic causes can be an excess of male energy and we need to practice more of the feminine principle and egg wisdom of attracting what you want and doing less. It’s usually a sign that a woman needs to rest more, so more self-care and less pleasing other people is needed. Tracking and understanding how your menstrual cycle can be a good start to pinpointing any unhealthy patterns.
Help during the Premenstrual Phase
Here are some self-reflection questions that you can write in a journal every month or when you find yourself in a difficult situation during the luteal phase because that is when hormonal and energy imbalances usually appear.
What would you like to attract, achieve, and/ or have?
What personal needs have you left to the wayside?
What can you do to start to prioritize your needs and desires?
How can you better organize your life so that you can achieve your goals?
Do I need something right now? How can I make that happen?
What is a small step I can take today towards getting what I want? (Spoiler: It may involve asking for help or saying “no”).
Name 5 things you are grateful for.
Menstrual Phase
Superpower: Intuition and Reflection
• Wise Woman/ Crone archetype
• Correct, analyze, listen to intuition
• Intuition, planning and dreaming of future plans and projects
• The low level of hormones does not facilitate creativity or productivity but it does facilitate the analysis of situations and projects.
• It’s a good time to leave what you don't need or what doesn't work.
• Imbalance: Lack of introspection, intuition and time alone to reflect which can lead to burn out
To truly enjoy this phase, and yes, you can enjoy menstruation, you have to slow down and recharge your batteries. I highly recommend creating a ritual during your period that feels nourishing for your body and spirit. This can include journaling, a gentle massage, spa treatment, acupuncture, restorative yoga, bath with Epsom salts, essential oils and candles, indulge in your favorite teas, chocolates, and beauty products or eat a delicious meal with your best friend. Whatever it is your ritual should feel good and not feel like a chore.
If you don’t take this time to slow down, you will likely feel drained the next month or suffer from worse cramps and bleeding. Take advantage of the fact that nature gave us an excuse to hit the pause button each month. This is also a fabulous time to RECEIVE and NOT DO.
In conclusion, women need to put more effort into creating a clear vision of what they want and sitting still to receive what they want to attract rather than doing all the time. It’s not lazy, it’s Egg Wisdom.
Fitzpatrick John L., Willis Charlotte, Devigili Alessandro, Young Amy, Carroll Michael, Hunter Helen R. and Brison Daniel R. Chemical signals from eggs facilitate cryptic female choice in humans. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2020. 287: 20200805.
Carole Arnold. Choosy eggs may choose sperm for their genes, defying Medel’s law. Quanta Magazine. November 15, 2017.
Joseph H. Nadeau. Do gametes woo? Evidence for their nonrandom union at fertilization. GENETICS October 1, 2017 vol. 207 no. 2 369-387;
Kate Northrup. What can our ovaries teach us? A lot, says Kate Northrup. Wanderlust. 2019.